Hillingdon Health and Care Partners

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Hillingdon Health and Care Partners focus is to build and strengthen partnerships between health, local authority, other stakeholders and service providers who can work together and improve outcomes for residents.  

We are an alliance of health and care partners in Hillingdon including:

  • The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
  • Hillingdon Confederation
  • Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust
  • Hillingdon 4 All

We also work closely with

  • Hillingdon Council
  • NHS North West London

Our strategic aims for Hillingdon Health and Care Partners

  • Improving the outcomes for our population - delivering Hillingdon’s Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
  • Delivery of sustainable, person-centred, joined up models of care aligned to the new hospital plans and activity assumptions
  • Delivering the NW London Integrated Care System priorities through local models

Care Homes Support Team

Provides holistic care and advanced care planning to residents in Hillingdon CQC registered  care homes including for older people and Extra Care Housing. This has led to:

  • Year on year reduction of ambulance conveyances, attendances at A&E and admissions to hospital
  • Timely and comprehensive medication reviews
  • 90% of care home residents died in place of choice during 21/22 (79% nationally)
  • Feedback from residents, care home staff and family highly positive

Care Connection Team

Provides case management and care co-ordination to the top 2% of individuals aged over 18 years at high risk of hospital admission or hospital attendance. This has led to:

  • Reductions in A&E attendances and admissions to hospital for those supported by the CCTs
  • Emergency home visits undertaken by the guided care matrons release approx. 2,800 GP appointments per year
  • Medication reviews undertaken by the matrons reduce medicine wastage and improve quality of care
  • Hillingdon has a lower hospital admission rate for +65s than the NW London average

High Intensity User Service

Works proactively with up to 50 of the most intensive users of Hillingdon Hospital A&E, supporting people to understand and address the underlying health and social causes of their frequent use of unscheduled care. This has led to:

  • Significant reductions in A&E attendances and admissions to hospital
  • Shortlisted for and won a Health Service Journal Award
  • Future focus on people accessing mental health services and also extending age range to 14+

The London Borough of Hillingdon and HHCP refreshed the Hillingdon Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and identified six priorities:

  • Support for children, young people and their families to have the best start and to live healthier lives
  • Tackling unfair and unavoidable inequalities in health and in access to and experiences of services
  • Helping people to prevent the onset of long-term health conditions such as dementia and heart disease
  • Supporting people to live well, independently and for longer in old age and through their end of life
  • Improving mental health services through prevention and self-management
  • Improving the ways we work within and across organisations to offer better health and social care

Our partnership governance reports into the Health and Wellbeing Board which is jointly chaired by LBH and HHCP.

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Partners including public health are looking at data together to identify priorities at Borough and Neighbourhood levels including the national “Core 20 + 5” framework.

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We have trialled this approach with a focus on preventing falls and, in one of our neighbourhoods, care for those with diabetes and obesity.  The learning from these projects will be taken forward as we develop a consistent way of working.

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Looking forwards……we have three themes to work on during 2022-2023

Develop Hillingdon ‘Place’

  • Embedding population health management and addressing our areas of inequality
  • Defining place governance and accountability, including the voice of our residents
  • Ensuring joining up and best use of resources

Build “Team Hillingdon”

  • Increasing visibility and understanding of HHCP
  • Establishing new ways of working that support integrated, person-centred care
  • Building a joined up approach to workforce that makes Hillingdon a great place to work

Deliver our Transformation Programmes

  • Delivering the priorities in our 6 transformation programmes
  • Developing and progressing the clinical models and activity shifts for the new hospital programme
  • Ensuring our enabling workstreams are defined and joined up across partners

Key next steps – 2022/2023

  • Focus on population health and engagement, establishing priority areas from the refreshed joint strategic needs analysis
  • Working together to develop joined up plans for winter resilience
  • Delivering our objectives including the transformation programmes
  • Working with NW London ICB in order to be ready for delegation from April 2023


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